Scouting for food is an event where Boy Scouts Collect food that will be taken to the Local Food Bank.
In the Law of the Pack, a cub scout gives good will and in the Boy Scout Promise, a boy scout promises to help other people at all times. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words.
Across the country, in many councils and districts, thousands of troops and packs with millions of scouts involved collect tens of millions of pounds of food which is distributed to needy neighbors or the Local Food Bank.
Our job as amateur radio operators:
- Set up a portable ham station at each of the 18 drop points in the Salt Lake valley, including BSA Headquarters and the Truck dispatch area.
- When you get there contact the District Chairman make sure they know who you are and what you are there for you do not have to Shadow them but make sure they know where you are located if they need you.
- Before they shut down they need to contact BSA HQ by radio or Cell phone with number of Units number of Adults and number of Boys who participated.
Ht’s will work in most places but in some you may need a Mobile.
Date: March 21, 2015
Time: 8:00am – 12:30 pm
Primary 447.700 -100 pl
Secondary 146.700 -100 pl
Back up UHF Repeater 448.450 -100 pl
Coordinator: Eugene McWherter N7OVT
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 801-541-1871
For more information and if you are interested in participating, please contact Eugene McWherter.
Information posted from the following link:

More information on the Utah Food Bank's "Scouting for Food" can be found here: